My 3 year old daughter brought home lice from daycare and gave it to her brother and myself.  When I finally figured out why we were all so itchy I panicked.  It was 2 days before a hurricane was due to hit the east coast and I did not want to be stuck without power and bugs in our hair.  Honestly, at that point I would have been willing to pay nearly every cent we had to get rid of it. That is basically what I did.  I spent $1,200.00 total in 30 days trying to get rid of this lice that would not go away.  I joined a preventative lice club (this was a rip off and completely unnecessary if the lice treatment is thorough).  I spent hundreds of dollars on “products” to clean my leather couches and cloth upholstery.  This is also completely unnecessary.   After several re-treatments, the lice was finally removed, however I felt like I had been robbed after the month was up. 

I decided there would had to be a better way, so I began educating myself on the “Facts of Lice”  and exploring the options for treatment here in South Florida.  What I found was a lack of affordable and effective options for lice treatment.  So, I made a decision to do something about it.  After all who, better to treat kids and families (teachers and other people too), than a mom with kids who has experienced the panic and frustration of expensive and ongoing lice infestation and repeated treatments and house de-lousing.  Let’s be real folks, it’s a pain in the you know what! It’s hard enough raising a family and all the demands that come with it.  That’s why I went and trained with the best and most experienced people in the US so I could make your life easier.

My products are non-toxic and pesticide-free.  Completely safe, but still effective,  for you and your loved ones.  The treatment is quick and painless so you and your family can get back to living your life.

Don’t get blown away by hot air and outrageous prices!!  I will treat you and your family the same exact way I treat my own.  With loving care and a consideration for privacy and budget.  That’s why I come to your house and offer private in-home treatment.  Even though it isn’t your fault you have lice I understand the need for privacy.  Let’s not give the neighbors anything to talk about and keep your family’s lice treatment discreet and affordable. 

Non Toxic Lice Treatment Kids Adults Volusia Brevard Seminole Flagler Smyrna Beach